Our Yoga Facilitators are heartfelt and intuitive, gentle yet challenging. Our classes are a safe space that emphasizes self-awareness and synchronicity of the breath with movement so you can explore your evolving practice with ease and grace. Our shared wisdom and inspiration facilitate relaxation and introspection one breath at a time.

Our Pi Movement Mentors are authentically joyful and inclusive, inspiring and heartfelt. They lead Pilates-inspired movement classes with boundless energy, transparency, and infectious joy, inviting you to revel in your body’s potential and inspiring you to love yourself healthy.

Introducing our dynamic wellness team, dedicated to enhancing your overall health and well-being through various healing therapies. With expertise and passion, our team offers gentle yet powerful treatments that work at all levels to clear, align, and harmonize your body’s framework, providing a transformative experience.

Our carefully crafted events are curated with you in mind.

A spot on your mat is ready, our instructors are here, the time is now

My Journey

Over a decade ago, when my yoga journey commenced, my aim was a flexible body. Yet, I soon unearthed a deeper quest—the discovery of a supple heart, mind, and soul. Curiosity about God and authentic living ignited my path. With each practice, I found myself carving sacred space, both within and around me, learning to honor my connection with the divine.
Becoming a Yoga Teacher marked a milestone, but my odyssey didn’t cease. Immersed in prayer and meditation, I envisioned a haven where souls could converge, heal, and share love. In 2017, Coloured Soul Yoga & Wellness was born—a space of enchantment.
Despite facing Breast Cancer, I refused to succumb to fear. Instead, I embraced it as a profound blessing. Through my practice, I found solace, understanding, and empowerment. Today, as I navigate life’s ebbs and flows, I find solace in divine grace. In the sacred dance between movement and stillness, prayer and breath, I discover my truest self. 

Our Studio

The seed that birthed Coloured Soul Yoga & Wellness was a passion for guiding individuals on a journey of human healing and personal empowerment, where miracles find their home. It’s this profound love for each person’s inherent perfection that ignites the transformative change we seek to cultivate within our space.
We offer an intimate sanctuary for movement and wellness services, where healing is nurtured through the potent forces of love, energy, and liberation, emanating from a harmonized body and spirit. Beyond mere physical movement, our studio invites clients to connect with the inherent grace within themselves and the vibrant uniqueness of each colored soul that walks through our doors.

Your Journey

Embarking on your journey with us unveils a world of discovery, creative expression, and empowerment. Our approach gently guides you along a path to cultivate a flexible heart, mind, and soul, nurturing growth in virtue.
Through our sensory experiences, which intertwine mindfulness, breath awareness, and movement, we strive to support you in embracing self-discovery, navigating challenging emotions, and crafting joyous celebrations from the boundless realm of possibilities and potential.
We understand that every soul carries its own questions, anxieties, and life complexities. Your journey with us is an invitation to claim your experience, authentically defining the changes you wish to manifest within yourself and in the world around you.